Yeah, this one is kinda weird...

Have you drank pilk? Ever heard of it, even? If you answered no, then congratulations! You're normal! However, I'm here today to spread the good word of pilk. Here are some frequently asked questions about Pilk.

What is Pilk? I'm glad you asked! Pilk is a mixture of Pepsi and Milk. To the layman, that sounds disgusting, but the truth is: [REDACTED]

Is Pilk right for me? Whether or not pilk is right for you depends on a multitude of factors. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, in financial distress, suffering from leukemia, are scared of your own shadow, bad at math, good at popular board game Monopoly, or have tangerine eye color, pilk is NOT for you. For more information, contact

I'm interested in pilk, where should I start? Pilk preparation is pretty simple. Obviously you need your 2 ingredients, pepsi and milk. You will also need a vessel for combining them, any standard drinking glass will do. When creating Pilk, it's best to pour them at the same time, but if that is too inconvenient, pour milk first, then pour the Pepsi. Lastly, and most importantly, a ratio of 60% Pepsi to 40% milk is ideal. This will taste much more consistent than half and half and is EXTREMELY reccomended.

Pilk Testimonials

Perry Smith - "I remember the first time that I tried pilk and it was otherworldly. It made me ascend unto heaven without even moving my body, but it moved my soul."

Geeb - "It's Pilk. I love Pilk."

Gavin - "Not horrible, would drink it if it was the only option..."

Ethan McGuire - "Unexpected. This tastes like watered down pepsi if the ice were made out of milk."

Marcus - "It's worth trying atleast one time"

canid - - "An amazing treat for when I've been a well-behaved boy. Sometimes I like to add a little bit of whiskey to it.... I call it 'Pilkskey'"

crazycrazyo - "I personally don't like it, but hey I could see people liking it"

gronk - "I think pilk is like a mild sweet coffee, albeit hard on the digestion"

What are you doing here?

Do you drink Pilk, or have you tried it? Feel free to add this silly little blinkie to your site, and even link back here if you so desire. Also, if you contact me, I will add your name to the testimonials list and link to your site!