The Physical And Digital Embodiment Of Greed

My hunger is never sated. There's still so much to see.
This is going to be a long one. - A relic of 00s internet. It has lasted the test of time so far, but who knows. Maybe it won't be here tomorrow. Enjoy the tastefully insecure URL.
Anyways here's some stuff for steam games
steamDB home page - A relentlessly useful tool for information on Steam games
steamDB upcoming sales
steamDB free promotions
ProtonDB - Helps you find out if a game works on Steam Deck, Linux, or a Chromebook
Are We Anti-Cheat Yet? - Tells you how bad a game's anti-cheat is so you can be MAD about it

Hey look a website that lets you visualize and listen to wikipedia edits
File Pursuit - I always thought this would be pretty interesting to play with, but it feels so sketchy. Lets you scrape the internet for files, apparently. Don't do anything illegal!
Floor 796 - Honestly not sure what to say about this. Give it a visit, you won't be disappointed, I promise.

Cartography Portion!!!
The True Size Of - You know it, you love it, the map that lets you see how big countries are when you put them next to another country
Map of Notable People - Actually really cool little interactive globe that shows you famous people for better or worse.
Atlas Obscura - A map of weird places around the globe. Could be fun for road trip planning
Fake maps are just as cool as real maps yknow
Map of Metal - Cool visual guide to metal genres.
Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music - Cool visual guide to electronic genres.
hello. placeholder text for now.