Game Reviews

Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic is one of the games I see myself playing a lot lately, so I'm gonna talk about it a bit in case you havent heard of it before. DRG is a mission based PvE first person shooter where you get the choice of 1 of 4 classes, each with their own sets of weapon choices, combat utilities, and mobility equipment. Your objective is to complete tasks on Hoxxes IV, a planet owned by... Deep Rock Galactic (the company you work for) Your missions range from extracting rare alien resources to... extracting other rare alien resources- but the most important aspect of the game, and what you'll be doing any time you're not focusing on extracting those rare alien resources: KILLING BUGS. (This game is not for arachnophobes.) Whenever you're mining morkite, or pumping liquid morkite, or (as I predict will somehow happen in a future update) pumping gaseous morkite, you will be faced with swarms of glyphids, alien bugs who want you dead at any cost. They range from simple grunts who will go down in just a few hits, to massive bosses that will throw you through a loop, to pesky swarmers that completely surround you.

Thankfully, we have TONS OF SCI-FI BS AT OUR DISPOSAL. Lets take a look at our classes:

The Scout: One of my favorites but not my main, the scout is able to use a grappling hook in order to completely outpace every class. Extremely fun to move around with, and able to pack a punch too. Your first weapons with the scout will be an assault rifle, and a double barreled shotgun that really brings the pain!

The Engineer: I've played engineer least of all the classes, but he's definitely fun to play! He can access weapons that literally give you aimbot, deploy sentry turrets to fight for him, and utilize a platform gun, which allows you to build bridges, or create a loft for the scout to stand on while mining hard to reach minerals.

The Gunner: Gunner is my personal favorite and main, as his title suggests, he specializes in REALLY BIG GUNS. His primary weapons are gatling guns and automatic handheld cannons, which can deliver massive damage to a lot of bugs at once. He is also equipped with a portable force shield which comes in hand when picking up downed teammates, and a zipline gun that is.. sadly kinda slow to traverse on but is still extremely helpful in a pinch.

The Driller: Is your playstyle focused around breaking the Geneva Conventions? Driller may be your go to. Naturally, he has a drill, it allows you to destroy terrain with much more ease than a measly pickaxe, and can let you form tunnels if you need to get to a different cavern quicker than walking. In addition, he has a remotely detonated satchel bomb that causes massive area destruction and a flamethrower that shreds swarms, provided you don't unlock one of his alternate weapons.

Overall, I really enjoy this game, just make sure you spam V whenever you join multiplayer.

Games I am currently playing (These are links btw):

Exotic Matter Dimensions (Incremental Game)

Deep Rock Galactic